A timeline, as a term, refers to the path that the market has taken over the period of a day. The timeframe tag refers to the length of time that a particular stock on the chart refers to. If the trader uses a five-minute interval as the timeframe, then his chart will be filled with a range that can span from the early hours of the afternoon through the early hours of the morning. The number of minutes used as the timeframe is an important part of how a trader interprets the data that he sees on his charts. The higher the timeframe chosen, the longer the time frame covered in a single candle in the chart.

The choice of the timeframe tag also does not mean that a trader should use any particular time as his target timeframe. He can use the term “target” and choose a different timeframe as often as he chooses.

Some traders use the timeline tag to indicate a support or resistance level. This is a useful indicator for those who are looking for confirmation of their trading strategy. In other words, if a trend line, such as the MACD, crosses above or below this level, then this may represent support, a bearish pattern, or a trend reversal.

Traders also use a time frame to indicate when a particular trend is at its strongest. If the trend line crosses the upper limit of a time frame, this indicates strength in the market and suggests that the price is going to break out. The downside is that a break above or below the upper limit of a time frame may represent a weakness in the market.

One type of timeframe tag that traders use is the range tag. A range can be used to indicate that the range of prices within the timeframe is smaller than the actual range of prices for the whole period. If a trading strategy is based upon the expectation that the price of a stock will change quickly, the range can help to prevent traders from becoming stuck on the same price target for too long. The range tag is useful for traders who may want to trade a range of prices that is wider than the actual range.

When using a range tag, traders should always remember to include other factors into the equation. For instance, there may be instances where the support and resistance levels of a trend are outside the range. The support or resistance level may become a support or resistance for a period of time but it may not be necessary to buy or sell a stock. In other words, if one can get rid of the volatility by waiting until the range is below the support or resistance level, then he may get better results.

In order to use a range as a timeline, it’s time to consider other factors. For example, it may be beneficial to wait until the price of a stock is between the support and resistance level before buying. However, when one is buying a stock with a lower price tag, waiting until the price hits the support or resistance level is also acceptable.

As an investor, it’s important to make sure that you look at the technical indicators to find out when it’s time to buy and when it’s time to sell. You need to be able to look at the movement in the charts and see if a price swing that you are seeing may be a trend reversal. This means that the market may be changing direction. It may be a good idea to find an expert who can help you identify the most likely way that the market will continue on with or without you as an investor.