A GAMIFIED app to provide anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing training has been launched, to help overcome the lack of understanding about AML regulation.

Anti Money-Laundering continues to be a growing global concern as the expansion of AML regulations around the globe and more high-profile cases appear in courts.

As money-launderers get more sophisticated, its ever more important to ensure employees in regulated sectors get the very latest AML training and see it as much more than a tick-box exercise.

Gamified training solutions provider Attensi and AML legal experts in Advokatfirmaet Erling Grimstad AS (law firm) worked together to create a new interactive app that anyone affected by AML regulation can use remotely.

Attensi creates gamified training simulations which, like playing any game, are much more interactive and enjoyable because players have to really demonstrate understanding at each stage of the playthrough in order to advance forward and ultimately be certified.

Erling Grimstad is MD of the firm. He said: “Everyone in the regulated sectors needs to stay abreast of AML and be well-trained in how to spot suspicious activity. If an institution fails to comply with money laundering regulations it can have both a negative corporate and personal implication – still some people haven’t grasped that you can be investigated and charged as an individual if you don’t comply.

“Training is a vital part of the protection of the entire organisation. There is a legal framework and specific requirements to which you must comply, so our App documents all completed mandatory AML training for employees. Knowledge of threats and insight in the vulnerabilities in your organisation is key to build a culture of compliance.” 

Sølve Johannessen at Attensi, developer of the App technology said: “Attensi has created a lot of different interactions to prevent this from just being a tick-box exercise and something people want to practice and get better at – it’s an enjoyable learning simulation that encourages players to repeat modules until they master the topic, or even beat their colleagues on a leaderboard!

“The dialogue changes throughout the game depending on what you answer, and you need to answer correctly in different circumstances.

“The AML app uses practical examples and ethical dilemmas that players have to solve and has been built by factoring in trends and patterns used by criminals, so employees in obliged entities learn through storytelling scenarios that feel real.

“What’s interesting is that after people have continued to use it, they get better and achieve a higher score – almost like a competition – so they repeat the training for enjoyment and interest rather than a classroom where you attend just to get your qualification.”

The App is kept up to date with changes from the FSAs with any significant regulatory changes factored into the in-app play, by updating any necessary content.

For more information or to book a demo go to https://www.amlapp.com/